The second
full review of
The Value Crisis
was published by the well-respected
Alternatives Journal.
I was totally blown away by this praise from such a prestigious journal. As with my
first review, reprinting it here gives readers another forum where they can post
comments and feedback.
Andrew Welch has a thing about
numbers. He loves them. But as he gradually began to see the connection
between growing, multiple global crises and the lack of awareness
surrounding the day-to-day human behaviour that produces them, he began
to wonder if humanity’s over-reliance on numbers was responsible. “We
use debt to conjure up trillions of dollars from nothing; we voraciously
run through our planet’s limited resources; and we recklessly
contaminate our environment with waste, byproducts and dangerous
substances.” The Value Crisis is the product of his attempts to reconcile this disconnect between behaviour and consequence.
The value crisis referenced in the title is the conflict between our
human value system, which is ancient, and our number-based value system,
which has developed over time, most of it very recently. Welch’s
premise is that these two systems are incompatible and unbalanced and
that fundamental human values are being displaced at great cost to us
all – personally, as a species, and ultimately for every creature on the
planet. This crisis of values is posited as the greatest challenge
facing society and as the root cause of most of our environmental,
economic and social ills.
Welch traces the origins of the value crisis from the beginnings of
numeracy and the invention of math, through theories of decision making
and indicators of well-being, to the history of money, the workings of
the global economy and the nature of corporations. It’s quite a ride,
and there are many fascinating side trips along the way.
For instance, he explains the concept of exponential growth (a
phenomenon that is notoriously poorly understood), thoroughly and from
several points of view. The examples are thoughtful and Welch relates
them directly to the central premise of the book. And he performs this
feat over and over again with such seemingly disparate concepts as the
law of diminishing marginal utility, prospect theory, Maslow’s Hierarchy
of Needs, the fractional reserve system and the pursuit of happiness.
The book is dizzyingly well researched, drawing on a wide range of
contemporary scientific research, literature of all kinds and possibly
more than one accounting textbook. It is also jam-packed with details,
facts, quotes and equations. Fortunately, Welch seems to have an orderly
turn of mind and his argument is well built and progresses logically.
He makes good use of headings and text boxes to remind the reader where
she is going and where he has been. Each chapter begins with an anecdote
to ground the topic and ends with a comprehensive summary. He regularly
returns to his central premise, showing how the new information he’s
just introduced relates to the basic theme. Anything less would have
made the book quite hard to follow and not nearly as useful. At the end
he has gathered all the boxed text in a separate section and included
page references.
There are many good reasons to read this book. For one thing, it will
likely give you many excellent conversation starters. Did you know that
capuchin monkeys make exactly the same poor financial decisions as
humans? How about the fact that usury is a transaction in which money is
acquired without goods or labour being exchanged (through the
manipulation of numbers), that until recently it was considered
unethical, and that it describes a great deal of today’s financial
activity? Or that if corporations really were people, they would be classified as psychopaths?
Another reason is that this book is a great reference on the in and
outs of economics, politics, finance and the human condition. But the
best reason to read this book is for the basic background it can give
the reader on how we got into our current environmental and social
predicament – the historical and behavioural origins of a dysfunctional
Welch is remarkably free of blame for the groups of people operating
within this dysfunctional system. He saves the blame for the system
itself, explaining how what appears to be greed is simply an inevitable
consequence, a side effect, of the numbers. Ultimately, numbers in
general and money specifically, change the nature of our relationship to
each other and to the world.
Along the journey, the author provides a number of possible solutions
to the value crisis – some of them headsmackingly commonsensical and
some of them wildly idealistic and unique. It is well worth reading this
entertaining and accessible book to find out what those solutions are.
The Value Crisis: From Dollars to Democracy, Why Numbers are Ruining Our World by Andrew Welch, Caledon : Aanimad Press, 216 pages. Reviewed by Janet Kimantas